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The Barn

With 18 stalls, 3 foaling stalls, and 6 mare-motel style stalls, there's plenty of room for all your horses. And the tack up area and room, equipped with heaters and fans, make for a comfortable experience no matter the season. Plus, the misters in the stalls and aisles are a nice touch for those hot summer months.


The Arena

With washed river sand for soft landing, chairs for viewing, and new LED lighting, we find our 80' x 150' arena to be quite comfortable.  It is worked daily with a EZ groomer, made by an Oregonian native, from the Portland area. Attached to the arena is the hay barn and shavings. The east side of the arena is open with trees and rose bushes on its boarder. 


No barn is complete without a kitty (in our opinion)!This is Moosh, he's 4 years old and came to us from a local farm that had too many felines. He loves pets and to be cuddled.

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